
Schön, dass Sie hier sind! Hier finden Sie die Preise für unsere Dienstleistungen - einfach und übersichtlich. Ob Haarschnitt, Färben oder ein kleines Extra, bei mir sind Sie in guten Händen.

Stöbern Sie ruhig und suchen Sie sich aus, was Sie brauchen! 😊✂️

Túri Zsuzsanna transformed my hair! The cut and color exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended stylist!

Alex Smith

A person with braided hair styles another individual's hair in a salon. The setting features a rich red color palette with a mirror reflecting the scene. Both individuals are focused, with the seated person using a phone.
A person with braided hair styles another individual's hair in a salon. The setting features a rich red color palette with a mirror reflecting the scene. Both individuals are focused, with the seated person using a phone.
A person is sitting in a barber chair, covered with a striped cape. The barber is styling the person's hair using a round brush and a can of hair spray. The setting appears to be a barbershop with a black and white checkered floor.
A person is sitting in a barber chair, covered with a striped cape. The barber is styling the person's hair using a round brush and a can of hair spray. The setting appears to be a barbershop with a black and white checkered floor.



Besuchen Sie mich gerne in meinem Salon in Tägerwilen unter der untenstehenden Adresse!


Bahnstrasse 1, 8274 Tägerwilen